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About Me

I’m a software engineer with a strong background in graphic design, as well as customer service. Being a successful small business owner for many years, I have the ability to look at projects and understand not only the underlying business goals, but help a team to achieve them in an efficient way. I'm ready to handle complex situations and deliver creative and quality solutions!



Full CRUD application using Python/Django. In addition, Mailchimp API to handle email subscriptions. App developed with two interfaces, one for users and one for the administrator. User is able to make reservations, admin is able to view and manage all reservations.

Launch | GitHub


Web application for cocktail recipes. A full CRUD app using 'MEN' stack application (MongoDB, Express & Node).

Launch | GitHub


Responsive app for basketball games. You can create and/or join pick-up games around your location. Use of APIs as Google Places and Open Weather Map to create a full CRUD application using 'MERN' stack application (Google Places API, OpenWeatherMap API, MongoDB, Express, React & Node).

Launch | GitHub


Check NASA’s Astronomy Picture Of the Day(APOD) or pick any date, all the way back to 1995 when NASA started the APOD program. Also check pictures taken from rovers on Mars (NASA API, React & Node).

Launch | GitHub

Emoji Slot Machine

A slot machine game using emojis as a theme. This game was developed using Javascript, HTML, CSS and DOM manipulation.

Launch | GitHub


Tic-Tac-Toe, an old west themed game. This game was developed using Javascript, HTML, CSS and DOM manipulation.

Launch | GitHub

Flight Tracker

Web application for tracking flights and tickets. A full CRUD app using 'MEN' stack application (MongoDB, Express & Node).

Launch | GitHub

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